Countesthorpe Triple 2024/2025

Please be aware that the deadline for entry is 10th November 2024.

The Countesthorpe triple is a competition that consists of three different rounds/legs.

Portsmouth – Sunday 10th November 2024 – Winstanley School, Braunstone -The Foxes
Worcester – Sunday 15th December 2024 – Winstanley School, Braunstone – The Foxes
WA18m – 26th January 2024 – Brockington College, Enderby – LAOFAC

A separate entry form is required for each round of the Countesthorpe Triple and the Countesthorpe Triple itself. Competitors are responsible for making sure that they enter each of the separate stages. Entries for the Countesthorpe Triple must be received by The Foxes on or before 10th November 2024.


Download entry form for the Countesthorpe Triple
Download entry form for the Portsmouth Round
Download entry form for the Worcester Round
Download entry form for the WA18m or Online Entry

You can enter whichever leg you like or even all three.
The cost per Leg is £12 for seniors and £7 for juniors. If you enter all three Legs, then you can also complete a fourth form and pay an additional £4 and all of your scores from the three Legs will be added together and prizes awarded.

This event fills up very quickly so don’t delay in entering!

For our novices: Please consider entering the Portsmouth round. It will be a 60cm face, 5 dozen arrows and 10 zone scoring. The Portsmouth round is one of the most common indoor rounds, and you will get plenty of practice shooting it.