Archery Rounds

A “round” in target archery is when you shoot a set number of arrows at a target at set distances. For example, a “National 40” consists of 4 dozen arrows at 40 yards and 2 dozen arrows at 20 yards. Each set of arrows shot is called an “end”. There are many kinds of rounds in archery, all with different names. But the two most important terms you should know are Imperial and Metric.

Imperial rounds are the traditional British way of shooting and are governed by the Archery GB Rules of Shooting. These rounds tend to be more relaxed and beginner-friendly. Metric rounds are shot using the World Archery Rules of Shooting and use 10-zone scoring. These are the rounds that are shot all over the world, and some are used at the Olympics and World Championships. These are a little more formal as there are stricter regulations.

Imperial rounds are scored using a 5-zone method (Gold = 9, Red = 7, Blue = 5, Black = 3, White = 1). The target distance is measured in yards.

Metric rounds use all 10 zones for scoring, ranging from 1 to 10. Metric rounds are measured in metres.

Archery rounds target face

All rounds will start with at least one end of sighters. This is a practice end that is not scored and is to ensure that your bow sight is accurate. Sighters are only given at the beginning of the round and not when distances change (i.e. in a National 30, you will shoot a sighter at 30 yards, but not 20).

If you are confused about what round you are shooting on a certain week, please don’t hesitate to ask your field captain or coach. KMAC runs regular formal weeks and will announce these ahead of time via email.

Please refer to the PDF below from ArcheryGB for more information about target archery rounds.